About the “Team”
I am the only one working this website. My name is Ruby S. Copsey and I am only ten years old. I have four siblings that are all at least 15 years older than me and I go to a wonderful school. I have one parrot named Dee Bird. I recently moved thousands of miles from Hawaii to Florida. Many people ask me if I miss Hawaii and there is only one answer that comes out of my mouth: “I don’t miss Hawaii as much as I miss the people there.” I am excited to get this blog started and I can’t wait till I get some comments! Please keep in tuned with my blog! I hope that you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it! Here is part of my first blog post, it completely explains the whole blog and why I started it!
Dear Viewers,
I am simply a 10 year old girl wanting to express my ideas. My parents brag about me going to a “smart kid school” although there is nothing to really brag about. I might be smart but I also have so many opportunities, other kids at my school may not have at home. Let me explain… I love baking, cooking, writing, reading, playing and writing piano pieces. Without all of these things, I have no clue what my life would be like, never mind, I do:
Every day, I do at least one of these things so that I can be a happier person because they cheer me up. Of course, every child has the chance to do all of these things, but it may not be what they like. Truthfully, I love math and science, I have never been an “English Language Arts kind of person” unless it means I can write or read whatever I want or even write about my reading. My mother says I need to improve in Language Arts, after all, she has her major in English and Creative Writing and I only have one of those down.
Every child has the chance to do these things, but they may not be fond of them. My goal for this blog is to prove that kids can. The reason my blog is called “Why Can’t Kids?” is because every time that your kid or yourself as a kid (I don’t know you as a viewer.) comes to a problem or wants to do something that would not be the stereotypical thing to do as a child, ask yourself this phrase. I have promised myself as the founder of this blog to do this. I made a rule for myself, if you can’t come up with five things in twenty seconds, do it. Whether it is laundry or making a blog yourself, if you want to take on the challenge, do.
Every week I will be posting things that you can do that would not be stereotypical “child play”. I will also be posting how to do it, for example to get the blog started, I will post something about baking…
Please note that I will not say direct names of every person I talk about because I cannot ask every single person nor would I exactly get the permission.
I have been inspired by a close friend of mine who loves baking. Over a weekend, she created a website that she posts many of her favorite recipes on. She is the one who really inspired me into making this blog and finally getting my website going. I am quite fond of her and we hang out very much. It is her that I owe all my ideas to, thank you. When she reads this, she will know I am talking about her.
Thank you for checking out my website!
I love your website! You inspire me soooooo much! I can’t believe you’re sooooo mature! I miss you, and “Keep moving forward!”
Love you,
Sarah D.
(your cousin)
Hi Ruby! I really like your website and I think i will try to make the shortbread cookie desert.
It is a family recipe that we make every year around Christmas. To us, it is one of the Joys of the Seasons!
It is slightly hard but totally worth it!