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Author: Ruby



Happy Birthday!!!

There is a very low chance that it is actually your birthday, but lets just say it was funny…  I love planning parties and I didn’t actually realize it was that hard until well, I finally did one all by myself.  To give you some quick tips, I like to use for HUGE parties because you find a lot of things in bulk, but it can be really nice for cheap candy and fun toys and games.  I like making cute goodie bags that are creative.  At my past birthday, I gave out flowers (real ones) and a lollipop with a paper attached that talked about how much i wanted “our” friendship to grow .


Another fun thing to do is group games like a Sandcastle Contests (at beaches) in groups of three…  I also love “Whipped Cream Musical Chairs”.  You get everyone in a circle, they all have plates, but one plate has whip cream on top (a lot).  Someone starts music and everyone starts passing the plates.  When the music stops, the person with the whip-cream-plate has to stuff it in their face!  That is a couple of ideas for a very fun B-Day.  Good Luck!

Cook Up a Chef?

Cook Up a Chef?

“Mom, What’s for dinner?”

“How about a fresh chef?”  This could sound really weird, so I am going to say that I mean: “It is your turn to cook!” not “Let’s eat a real life chef!”  Tonight I am going to ask all of the soon to be master chefs to get on a step stool and start stirring this DELICIOUS meat sauce!  I have loved cooking since I could read a recipe and I want everyone to know how amazing it really is.

I would love to talk about an amazing and inspiring television show called Master Chef Junior.  I watch this show on Hulu as soon as each episode comes out. This television show is inspiring to youngsters and fun to watch for everyone.  This show is a cooking competition for kids!  Widely known chef, Gordan Ramsy, is one of the three judges and all of the kids have fun and are embraced and honored.  I would like to share one of my favorite recipes, one that I hope will bring joy to your homes as a delicious home cooked meal.

This sauce is called a Bolognese sauce.  It is simple, but it takes time.  Also, it is not Kosher.

This is the amazing website that my family found this delicious recipe on!

Don’t forget, if you ever think that you are just a kid, you are way more, you are our future and you can do anything!  Think of my motto (Why can’t kids?) before you say no to something fun, like cooking!  Thanks for looking! Comment and Like!

Flying Alone, Safe or Sorry?

Flying Alone, Safe or Sorry?

Should we fly alone? Is it a matter of how much our parents trust us or how much our parents care about us?  In my opinion it is definitely both.  It is a big part trust because we need to be organized, aware of your surroundings, and most importantly: safe. But it is also hard to let someone as close as planea child to literally fly away.  I recently turned 11 and I have no intention of flying alone for at least another year.  It is frightening just to think about being alone on a plane.  Some of my friends started flying alone when they were just 8 and I really believe it is a family decision.  If it is a tradition or a way boost confidence than great, but do you want to take that risk?

CG!!! (Part 2)

CG!!! (Part 2)

Yesterday I basically posted the how part of CG and a quick example of the software’s amazing work.  Today I am going to post a why.  I am not going to tell you every single reason why you should learn, although I definitely could, but I am going to show you some pretty amazing results.  When I was creating my blog, I looked at website designs.  The website designs often have media that is in a different language and off topic.  With this, I learned that off topic can be amazing.  I found a CG video that includes the Fibonacci series, or at least a little bit of it, and is absolutely amazing.

CG!!! (Part 1)

CG!!! (Part 1)

It is hard to even start learning about Computer Graphics (CG), even as an adult.  One of my family members owns a software company named CTECH and that person wanted to get me started with computers at a young age.  He got me onto Scratch, a wonderful program that teaches CG and computer programing. Here is one of the examples of what Scratch can do.  To get started with computers, Scratch is really great because it has commands that are easy comprehend and you can quickly catch onto most of its concepts.  Here is an amazing, yet simple, example of Scratch’s wonders in our widely known game: Tetrus…  Simply press the green flag and start using the arrow keys!!!Tetrus

Composing Music

Composing Music

This week I am going to talk about music.  Now a days you are seeing that you cannot turn on the radio without hearing a curse word in at least 1 out of 2 songs.  That means no radio if there is a small child in the car.  It is so rare to hear classical music.  The other thing is that, rarely you hear children composing music.  I love writing music, classical in particular.  One of my first songs actually has quite a story to it.  I started singing and then I finally got the software to write music.  I went crazy and made this simple  song with lyrics, a big classical piece.  After I added the lyrics, I hated it. I immediately took out the lyrics and have always stuck with the classical.. This is my first piece, it is called Is It Worth It? because that was the name of the lyrical song.  I have not found a new name, but I an looking for one!  Please comment if you have any ideas for a new name! 🙂 Below are pictures of the music so that you can see while you listen.

IIWI pg 1. IIWI pg 2  IIWI pg 3IIWI pg 4

About The Blog

About The Blog

Dear Viewers,

I am simply a 10 year old girl wanting to express my ideas. My parents brag about me going to a “smart kid school” although there is nothing to really brag about. I might be smart but I also have so many opportunities, other kids at my school may not have at home. Let me explain…  I love baking, cooking, writing, reading, playing and writing piano pieces. Without all of these things, I have no clue what my life would be like, never mind, I do:


Every day, I do at least one of these things so that I can be a happier person because they cheer me up. Of course, every child has the chance to do all of these things, but it may not be what they like. Truthfully, I love math and science, I have never been an “English Language Arts kind of person” unless it means I can write or read whatever I want or even write about my reading.  My mother says I need to improve in Language Arts, after all, she has her major in English and Creative Writing and I only have one of those down.

Every child has the chance to do these things, but they may not be fond of them. My goal for this blog is to prove that kids can. The reason my blog is called “Why Can’t Kids?” is because every time that your kid or yourself as a kid (I don’t know you as a viewer.) comes to a problem or wants to do something that would not be the stereotypical thing to do as a child, ask yourself this phrase. I have promised myself as the founder of this blog to do this. I made a rule for myself, if you can’t come up with five things in twenty seconds, do it. Whether it is laundry or making a blog yourself, if you want to take on the challenge, do.

Every week I will be posting things that you can do that would not be stereotypical “child play”. I will also be posting how to do it, for example to get the blog started, I will post something about baking…

Please note that I will not say direct names of every person I talk about because I cannot ask every single person nor would I exactly get the permission.

I have been inspired by a close friend of mine who loves baking. Over a weekend, she created a website that she posts many of her favorite recipes on. She is the one who really inspired me into making this blog and finally getting my website going. I am quite fond of her and we hang out quite often.  It is her that I owe the idea of starting my website, thank you.  When she reads this, she will know I am talking about her.

Here is one of my favorite recipes from my own family. This is a shortbread cookie with a layer of caramel and a layer of chocolate. It is scrumptious and I would be happy to make it myself but we are lacking a kitchen in our home at this very second… Here are complete directions:

Shortbread bars

Ingredients (Part 1):


-1 ½ cup flour

-1/2 cup sugar

-1 cup butter

-a pinch of salt

Step 1: Mix evenly by hand. It is going to seem dry and lumpy, but after needing for a while, it will get better.

Step 2: Rub together and pat into a 9 x 12 pan.

Step 3: Bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees.

Ingredients (Part 2):

-Yummy Chocolate & Caramel “Filling”

-1 cup butter

-1 cup brown sugar

-4 tablespoons corn syrup

-1 can of sweetened condensed milk

-2 teaspoons of vanilla

-1 package of Ghirardelli Chocolate Chips

Step 4: Cook the butter, brown sugar, corn syrup, and sweetened condensed milk in a heavy skillet. Cook on medium heat until it boils, then continue stirring and cooking for about 15 minutes.

Step 5: Add the 2 teaspoons vanilla when caramel is done

Step 6: Pour the caramel over baked shortbread.

Step 7: Top the dish with the package of Ghirardelli Chocolate Chips. Let them melt and then spread them out.

Step 8: Cover with aluminum foil until the chocolate chips melt and then spread them out.

Step 9: Enjoy!

If this is your first time, it may not be the best dish, but you have to practice because we all make mistakes! I hope you enjoy this delicious recipe! As you can see, I am eager to post blogs and I hope that you enjoy this too!

-Ruby S. Copsey